Spring Introduction


“Sometimes we can only find our true direction when we let the wind of change carry us.”
- Mimi Novic 

“Spring: a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be”.

- quote from Good Housekeeping

Spring. Both the season and the action seem fitting for my first blog post on my new website. Everyday Nutrition was established in 2011. At the time it was my “side gig” and I was seeing a variety of clients 3 hours/wk. It fed my desire to establish relationships with both other health care providers and clients in a way I hadn’t been able to in past jobs. 

My “side gig” has been through many changes as my family and I moved to a new state, grew from 2 kids to 5, and even changed locations within the Denver metro. Even as I type, it’s withstood the pandemic and transitioned from a mostly brick-and-mortar practice to a mostly virtual one. The good news is, all of those changes have led this “side gig” to becoming my “main gig” and I’m so excited for what’s in store! Also, in the past 9 months “I” grew to “we” as Everyday Nutrition added it’s second dietitian, Victoria!! I’ll invite Victoria to share more about herself in a future post.

At it’s inception, Everyday Nutrition was, and to a certain extent still is, a general nutrition practice. I describe it as the equivalent to a primary care practice for nutrition. I have a strong background in heart health, diabetes, kidney disease, and weight management, which are some of the primary conditions I helped with in the beginning. I have also accepted insurance from the start and many of those conditions were and still are covered diagnoses. While I am still happy to help anyone wanting nutrition and lifestyle help to improve those conditions, my passion for women’s health has grown over the past few years.

Being a woman, an aging woman, and woman who’s experienced pesky periods, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and post-partum, I can relate to so many women in different phases of life. I don’t like “being a woman” to be an excuse for constantly feeling crummy, heavy periods, confidence-blowing acne, or stubborn weight issues. Yes, many of those things have become synonymous with “being a woman” and even the butt of jokes (“oh my, Karen must be PMSing again”). I knew I wanted to use my personal experience and nutrition expertise to help women with these issues.This has led me to one of the specialties here at Everyday Nutrition…happy, balanced hormones. There are a number of nutrition and lifestyle changes that can help balance and improve the function of hormones. My goal is to help you do this through natural means. While I can’t guarantee that pharmaceutical drugs may not be needed, I’ll help look at the whole picture to set realistic expectations and goals during our work together. 

In posts to come, I will be sharing more specifically how working together can help maximize your hormone health. I will also talk more about other ways Victoria and I can help with other health improvements, including her specialty, gut health. After our initial posts to help you get to know us better, then we’ll start sharing the wealth of knowledge we have along with special topics as they arise, recipes from time to time, and any requests we receive from our clients and followers. 

Be well!



